Diamond Painting Popular Techniques

After placing thousands of diamonds, you may want to switch things up. The fine folks in the Paint With Diamonds Support Group have developed a number of different Diamond Painting Techniques and strategies that everyone can follow!

Imagine the alternating black and white squares on a traditional checkerboard. Apply the same method to your Diamond Painting to mix things up a bit on areas with large amounts of the same color. The real upside comes when you fill in the gaps - SO satisfying when everything snaps into place.

If you have a large block on your canvas with the same color, flip your pen upside-down and get working with your Multi-Placer tool! Using the wider head, apply 3 or 5 diamonds at a time and go quickly Row By Row. This method ensures your diamonds line up easily.

This one doesn't require much explaining - just work your way across the canvas one color at a time! The downside here is that the exposed areas might get less sticky over time. But on the plus side, filling in all of the blank spots is that much more satisfying than going row by row, for example.

Put yourself in the shoes of a farmer and divide up large blocks of the same color into little "plots" that you'll "harvest" on at a time! Are we stretching the metaphor too far yet? Keep each rectangle just wide enough that you can place 3 or 5 diamonds with the wide end of your Diamond Pen.

Post time: Apr-12-2022

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